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To contact our consumer information staff, please call 1300 856 051 (Australia) or 0508 528 637 (New Zealand).

If this is a medical emergency or you need medical advice, please call the poisons information line: 131 126 (Australia) or 0800 764 766 (New Zealand).

Alternatively, please fill out the below form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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We use your data for the purpose of responding to your request.


The processing and use of your data is based on legal provisions that justify these operations, as the processing is necessary to handle your request.


If you have not consented to a longer storage of your data, e.g. in the context of our relationship management, we will not store your data for longer than is necessary to fulfill the above-mentioned purpose or for as long as is necessary to fulfill legal retention obligations.


For more information on how Henkel processes your personal data, please refer to the Privacy Policy.


* In order to respond to your inquiry, we require the information marked with an asterisk. Other information is optional and will also only be used to respond to your inquiry.

Thank you for your request. 


Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.